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Preparing your child helps ease any anxiety or apprehension.

Prior to the Intake/First Appointment:  Forms will be sent to you (usually via the patient portal) prior to the intake appointment.  If possible, please have them completed in advance.  Please also upload to the patient portal copies of reports from previous psychological, educational, psychiatric, neurological evaluations or any other records (e.g., school) that you feel may be relevant to the current evaluation.  If your child has undergone any type of psychological or psychoeducational evaluation within a year of the current evaluation, please notify Dr. Baron immediately and upload the report to the patient portal prior to our first meeting.

Informing Your Child:  Although Dr. Baron will thoroughly prepare children for the testing process once they arrive at the office, it is important to take steps to prepare them at home. Let them know that the purpose of this evaluation is to gain a better understanding of how they learn best so that we can make school/getting along with others/managing their behavior, etc. easier for them.  Also, please let them know that they will be engaged in some activities which they may find enjoyable such as playing with blocks, drawing, looking at pictures, and talking.  Emphasize that one cannot “fail” anything, and your child’s only job is to do their best.  I typically explain that some activities will feel easy and others, perhaps, harder.  I validate that the experience is supposed to feel that way for everyone. We are just trying to understand their strengths and weaknesses, which we all have. 

Waiting:  Depending on the emotional and/or behavioral status of the child, parents/caregivers may be asked to wait in the waiting area while their child is being evaluated.  Parents/caregivers are typically not in the examination room as your child may become distracted by your presence.  We also want to evaluate your child’s behavior independent of family factors which may impact their problem solving and overall behavior.  If at all possible, please do not bring siblings or other relatives as that may also interfere with your child’s attention and persistence. 

Rest:  To ensure your child’s optimal performance, it is important that your child is well rested.  To the best of your ability, please insure that your child has slept well the previous night.  A child who is overly tired may not be able to perform their best, resulting in test scores that may underestimate his/her true abilities. 

Breakfast/Lunch:  Provide a high protein meal for your child to help maintain even focus and concentration.  Your child should not consume any caffeinated beverages or foods high in sugar content prior to the evaluation sessions.  Both caffeine and sugar can induce brief periods of heightened alertness followed by fatigue which may also produce flawed results.  Please feel free to pack snacks and drinks for your child, as there will also be several shorter breaks throughout the day.  He is free to store items in our refrigerator.


If a morning and afternoon session are scheduled for the same day, your child will have a 45 to 60-minute lunch break around noon. A parent or guardian must be present for the child’s lunch break and an offsite break is recommended in order to allow your child to regroup and re-energize.  There are several restaurants and delis in the neighborhood and I am happy to make recommendations if needed.

Medication, Glasses, or Other Medical Devices:  If a child is prescribed medication, do not refrain from administering it on testing days unless otherwise discussed with Dr. Baron.  There are occasions in which Dr. Baron may want to test certain skills on and off attention-enhancing medication.  This will typically take place during latter testing sessions (e.g., second or third appointment) and will be discussed with you in advance. If a child wears glasses, a hearing aid, or any other device, be sure to bring it to all evaluation sessions.

Have questions?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Baron to determine the best course of action.

Empowerment is Powerful

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