Rising JK/TK, Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Dr. Baron is an approved provider of the standardized cognitive evaluations required as part of the admissions process for the Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS). This assessment is one of the tools used to provide parents and schools with a uniform, unbiased, and standardized measure to help determine the best educational match for your child.
Dr. Baron is an approved provider of the standardized cognitive evaluations required as part of the admissions process for the Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS). This assessment is one of the tools used to provide parents and schools with a uniform, unbiased, and standardized measure to help determine the best educational match for your child.
Rising JK/TK, Kindergarten & 1st Grade
If you are applying as a rising JK/TK, Kindergarten, or 1st Grade student, the Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence—Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV) is individually administered by Dr. Baron.
Note, your child MUST be 4-years-old by his/her scheduled testing date.
The fee for this IQ testing is $275, which includes test administration and provision of electronic results to you and the schools to which your child is applying.
Appointments generally last 45 to 60 minutes.
In an effort to make the scheduling process easier, please click Book Your Appointment Now to self-schedule through the online portal. You will be prompted to complete several forms. Once you press submit, you will be redirected to the booking area. PLEASE WAIT A MOMENT FOR THE PAGE TO LOAD, and then can select your preferred appointment date/time. A deposit paid by credit card is required to secure an appointment through the portal.
A confirmation email will be sent to you from my office with your child’s date/time along with additional information about the testing process. If you do not receive your confirmation email shortly after booking, please check your spam folder.
Please note that, per guidelines outlined in the CAIS brochure, there will be no refund if there is a cancellation within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment. Monday appointments must be cancelled by the previous Thursday. If an unforeseen circumstance arises within the 48 hours of your scheduled appointment, please notify our office immediately.
An optional parent-only feedback session (50 minutes) can be scheduled for a $200 consultation fee to better understand your child’s performance and the educational implications.
Most children enjoy the 1:1 evaluation experience. Along with using kid friendly materials which naturally pique children’s curiosity, I am intentional about creating a nurturing and comfortable space for your child. Please refer to the CAIS brochure to read about tips to ensure your child has a positive testing experience.
Information about the participating private schools, along with the Registration Form and application information can be found on the following websites: